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Parenting Tips Blog

Grace-filled, science-based, and trauma-informed parenting articles and podcasts

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NW 3 reasons to laugh

3 Reasons to Laugh with Your Kids

We know it feels good to laugh. Many of you may not feel like laughing at all right now, and we understand! These days, with all the heaviness around us, laughing can seem elusive. You might even feel guilty. But…

NW punish child for swearing

Should I Punish My Child for Swearing?

“S#*t,” “Oh My G-d.” …or “What the _____?” We’ve heard from numerous parents that this kind of language hurts their ears as well as their hearts. It’s tempting to do a search for “how to punish a child for swearing”,…

NW DTC Series 44 Enjoy Your Kids

Enjoy Your Children the Way You Always Wanted To | Ep. 44

Are you scrambling to find clarity and help in your parenting? Are you struggling to find practical tools that bring lasting change? Do you wish you enjoyed your children more? Discover the power of connection and the hope of restoring…