What I Learned from a Really Ugly Moment Last Week
You know how sometimes you look back and think, “WHY in the world did I say that!?” I had a moment like that last week. It was ugly… but I learned a lot! Here’s what happened: In a state of discouragement and stress,…

What to Do When I Don’t Approve of My Child’s Friends
Peer relationships carry increasing influence as children grow up. And sometimes, these relationships can be reason for parents to feel increasingly anxious. Kids may choose good friends or they may not. Parents, wanting what’s best for their kids, have a…

Equip Kids To Apologize Like They Mean It
When kids fight, parents typically try to resolve things by telling the kids they have to say they’re sorry. While parents may be aware that this can be a very shallow, “go through the motions” sort of consequence for kids, they may…

Are We Setting Our Kids Up to Be Uncooperative?
Parents can get in ruts. That’s true for me and I’m pretty sure it is for you, too. One rut that is familiar to many is the hurried race out the door because “we’re going to be late!!” Or how…

How Do Your Kids Feel When You Discipline Them?
As a typically impatient, “get it done” sort of dad, I found myself in our early parenting years using my big voice and strong presence to move my kids into action. This approach worked great for me! …But my wife Lynne,…