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Want to Build a Connected Family? Be Intentional! | Ep. 84

build a connected family

As parents we long to build a connected family. Connection. We all long for genuine, connected relationships. It’s how God wired us. It makes sense that, when this element is lacking in our relationships, it can cause us to feel so many difficult and discouraged emotions. Especially in the relationships we value most. You want to feel connected to your kids and to the people you care about, but that can be really hard. 

Is there a secret to authentic connection? A tool to help build a connected family? Your family can experience this!

Co-Founders Jim and Lynne Jackson wrestled and prayed about these very questions, and in the process laid an important foundation for the heart of Connected Families. They discovered that connection is intentional and it exists in three key areas:

  • connection to God
  • connection to each other
  • connection to our purpose in this world

In today’s podcast, Jim and Lynne join Stacy Belward (podcast host) to uncover what these three areas of connection mean, and how we can live them out with love and intention to build a connected family. 

Connection doesn’t come from a magic wand; it happens in intentional and thoughtful relationships as we give and receive in meaningful ways. We connect by knowing, loving, and enjoying God and each other. God created you for connection. His love and grace can pour in and through you to purposefully build a connected family.

In this podcast, you’ll discover:

  • intentional, meaningful, and practical ways to connect to God, each other, and your (and your kids!) purpose in this world
  • the power of thoughtful and curious questions to connect to your child and help them grow in wisdom
  • how to help your kids connect with each other as siblings
  • effective ways to call out your child’s gifting, and help them find ways of using those gifts to be a blessing to others

Mentioned in this podcast:

Looking for ways to connect more with your kids? Check out these fantastic resources to help you feel encouraged and equipped in your parenting! Feeling stuck? As always, please contact us to let us know how we can help you and walk alongside you in your parenting journey. We are here to help!

Frustrated by constant discipline challenges? Take 15 minutes to read our free ebook 4 Messages Every Child Longs to Hear: A Discipline That Connects Overview.

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