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Category Coach

19 DAD podcast Kids Watching 1

Your kids? They’re watching. ALL the time. | Ep. 20

In this podcast, Chad Hayenga and Jim Jackson will challenge you to think through what you’re modeling as you parent. They’ll equip you with natural, effective ways to “live your life out loud” in a manner that builds faith and…

Kids playing doctor NW 2 1

Your child is “playing doctor” with a friend

The Connected Families Framework is an effective tool for parents to utilize in a variety of challenging scenarios, including teaching children healthy boundaries. It provides four powerful messages to kids; even in hard situations as we desire to pass along…

Child not ready for school NW 1

My Child Will Not Get Ready for School On Time | Ep. 10

We’re in back-to-school season, bringing all the joy and anxiety that comes with it. One question we hear when we talk with parents is, “What do I do when my child won’t get ready for school on time?” This week…

tween quits music

My Tween Wants to Quit Music Lessons | Ep. 8

“I don’t WANT to practice my trumpet.” “My piano teacher is mean!” “I don’t have time to practice with all this homework. I want to quit!”  Sound familiar? In today’s podcast, Stacy Bellward and Jim Jackson interview Chad Hayenga, LMFT…