Category Coach

Christians and the Elf On The Shelf
Elf on the Shelf, Reindeer in Here*, or a host of other Christmas characters may have your head spinning. As Christians, is there value in these characters or do they take away from the true, grace-filled, birth of Jesus at…

3 Powerful Steps to Redirect a Bored Kid
A thoughtful parent wrote us with the following question: How do I encourage my child to be more creative with his time? For example, not spending so much time on the computer or sitting in front of the television? This…

Feeling Stuck? Move Toward the Struggling Child.
Parents often find themselves at a loss when kids are particularly discouraged or struggling. It can begin to feel hopeless when everything you’ve tried to motivate them past the challenge has failed. You may start to feel more and more…

Are We Teaching Our Kids to Be the Wrong Kind of Smart?
A recent article published in Time Magazine found that people with average IQ outperform people with high IQ 70% of the time. 90% of high performers have high emotional intelligence. Could it be we’re focusing way too much on one…

Getting the Best Out of Our Kids
The way to get the best out of people is to orient people toward others. Think about it. When are you at your best? It’s almost always when you are contributing to the welfare of others. Certainly there are those…

When It’s Good for Kids to Say No!
Dads often joke about what some young lad will have to do to get past dad to the daughter. But it’s no laughing matter. Most dads with daughters, having lived through adolescence themselves, are irrationally suspicious or even downright…

Whoops, There’s Sex in Our Family Night Movie!
When our children were in elementary school, we chose to watch Tootsie with them. It’s a PG-rated movie from the early 80’s that I remembered as quite funny and appropriate for the kids (ages about 8-12) to watch. But…

The Best Defense against “Hook-up Culture” is a Good Offense
American culture is more sexually charged than at any other time in history. Sex is no longer valued by the general population as an intimate expression of love and commitment to be shared in a committed marriage. It is…

What’s Our Family About, Anyway?
Have you ever wondered what your family is “all about”? I asked this of coaching clients Ted and Dawn recently. They had come seeking help because their kids seemed ever more defiant, selfish, and irresponsible. Eager to understand their family…