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Category Coach

SM Ep 156

Navigating Family Gatherings | Ep 156

With the holidays fast approaching, we are pulling ​a classic podcast from the archives​ where Chad Hayenga joins Stacy Bellward to discuss some ideas for navigating family gatherings. Enjoy! Are you looking forward to celebrating holidays with family but dreading…

Teach Your Kids To Trust God

Teach Your Kids How to Trust God

Parents who value their faith long to teach their children to trust God and walk in a vibrant, resilient relationship with Christ. Being involved in a local faith community is certainly a vital part of that. But as important as…

SM Ep 149

Disciplining an Explosive Child—With Grace and Firmness Ep. 149

Wondering about disciplining an explosive child? You’re not alone! In fact, what to do with kid’s anger is one of our most frequent inquiries here at Connected Families. Aggressive behavior and explosive anger are intense challenges, and there is hope…

SM Ep 145

Connect With Students: A Framework To Connect With & Nurture Responsibility In ALL Students | Ep. 145

It’s nearly time to head back to school, and today’s episode is especially for anyone in a teaching role. Have you ever considered bringing the Connected Families Framework principles to your classroom at school or church? No matter what environment…

NW Sensitive Instense Q and A Ep. 142

Sensitive and Intense Kids: Your Questions Answered | Ep. 142

Do you ever wish you had a parent coach in your living room to support you in your biggest parenting dilemmas? Well, we’ve got the next best thing. Lynne Jackson (Connected Families Co-Founder) has developed an all-new, research-based small group…

SM Ep 141

[BONUS] Conclusion: Teaching Kids Forgiveness Is Essential

This podcast episode is the conclusion of a podcast we released about the power of forgiveness and teaching that to our children. It is full of practical application and deep insight into the profound impact of forgiveness on our physical,…

SM Ep 141

Teaching Kids Forgiveness Is Essential: The Why & How | Episode 141

How do you teach forgiveness to your kids? You probably want to guide them toward the true forgiveness that Christ’s work accomplished. That takes time and intention. Forced apologies can make a conflict blow over quickly, but resentment often lingers.…

SM Ep 140

Restoring Relationships: Empower Kids to Want to Reconcile & Heal | Ep. 140

Have you wondered if there is anything you can do to be proactive about the inevitable conflicts in your home? Many parents just want the fighting to stop, but what if you focused instead on restoring relationships? Jesus completed the…