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mentoring parent child blessing

Why We’ll Never Stop Having Kids

  Although I’m 62 and won’t be giving birth to any more children any time soon, I recently reflected that God gives us children in many ways, some biologically and some spiritually. It is a privilege to build into the…

inner coach video slide

One of my favorite parenting videos

At Connected Families we teach that focusing on getting right behavior as your primary goal is a setup for power struggles and frustrations of all kinds. We teach instead to focus primarily on the messages your kids get from you…

How Not to Take Sides When Siblings Fight 1

How to Not Take Sides When Siblings Fight

In our family, one of the realities we face is siblings who fight. I tend to want to stop my children’s rivalry in its tracks, but I have found that I sometimes contribute to the problem rather than solve it.  Ultimately, I really…