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Discipline That Connects With Your Child’s Heart | Ep. 15

15 DTC podcast online course 1 1In this podcast, Jim Jackson interviews Stacy Bellward, online course moderator, in a fun and heartfelt conversation. (Find out what even got Jim a little teary!)  You’ll get the real scoop on the Discipline That Connects with Your Child’s Heart online course, so you can know whether or not it’s a fit for you and your family.

In this 15-minute podcast we explore:

  • the history behind the Discipline That Connects With Your Child’s Heart online course
  • how Stacy went from being a student (2014), to moderating (2015), to project managing and producing the updated version (2018)
  • what impact the DTC online course has had on families just like yours
  • what is included in the registration fee and what some of the key takeaways are from the course
1080 15 Podcast ONLINE COURSE 1 1

One mom shared a realization as she began to walk in God’s grace for her parenting: “If I’m not defined by my past behavior then my kids aren’t either!” As God’s grace invades our messes, we learn that it’s who we are in Christ that defines us and empowers us to parent differently. 

Don’t miss your opportunity to experience this life-changing course with hundreds of others from around the world!

To learn more:

Frustrated by constant discipline challenges? Take 15 minutes to read our free ebook 4 Messages All Children Long to Hear: A Discipline That Connects Overview

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