Tag truth

NW Blog post images 9

Doctrine of Grace in Parenting | Ep. 96

What does the Bible really say about parenting? Is there such a thing as a Doctrine of Grace in Parenting? As Christian parents, we depend on the Bible as a necessary guide to help us understand God’s direction in both…

NW Blog post images 17

Applying the ABC’s of Affirmation | Ep.83

Does your child get discouraged? Does it feel like your child’s misbehavior seems to drown out the positive things you might notice? And the more you notice misbehavior, the more it seems to happen. We tend to gravitate toward the…

DTC online course NW 1

Discipline That Connects With Your Child’s Heart | Ep. 15

In this podcast, Jim Jackson interviews Stacy Bellward, online course moderator, in a fun and heartfelt conversation. (Find out what even got Jim a little teary!)  You’ll get the real scoop on the Discipline That Connects with Your Child’s Heart…

Toddler Round Up NW 1

But What About My Toddler?

At Connected Families we are often asked, “How does your  framework apply to toddlers when they seem too young to understand but are certainly showing their strength of will?”   We’ve compiled a list of our favorite posts relating to…