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Tag resilience

Featured ep 216 Wilke unshakeable kids

The Science Behind Building Unshakeable Kids | Ep. 216

Dr. Nicole Wilke is back in this episode to explore another layer of building resilience in kids–affirming character development. Dr. Wilke shares practical wisdom on speaking healing words to our children and fostering resilience through appropriate levels of challenge and…

SM resilience JimLynne Ep 200 1

Resilient Children Are Raised, Not Born | Ep. 200

Join us for a powerful conversation with Jim and Lynne Jackson about raising resilient children. They encourage you to focus on the process and long-term perspective of building character and identity rather than focusing on the result of the task…

Featured Ep 133 1

How to Help Kids See God in Nature | Ep. 134

Let’s get outside! No matter where you live (we have listeners all over the world!), getting outside is so good for so many reasons–for us and our kids. Sometimes getting outside means facing some challenges as well–poor weather, pesky insects,…

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Teaching Your Child to Navigate “Mean” Kids  | Ep. 97

“He called me stupid!” “She said she doesn’t want to play with me!” It’s so hard when your child comes to you feeling hurt by someone else’s words. Words matter. And they hurt! You want to comfort your kids and…