Tag where our value comes from
When Life Gets Sucked Out of Our Family
Sometimes technology feels out of control. I am chief offender in our home. Two hours can pass and, if I’m completely honest, I don’t really remember much of what I did, saw, or believed was so important. I recently came…
What’s Our Family About, Anyway?
Have you ever wondered what your family is “all about”? I asked this of coaching clients Ted and Dawn recently. They had come seeking help because their kids seemed ever more defiant, selfish, and irresponsible. Eager to understand their family…
The sky is closer than you think…
The following is based on a reflection written by our eldest son, Daniel. We’ve adapted it a bit to speak more to parents. ~Jim & Lynne What a relief it is to know that even if I somehow managed…
Compliments that Nourish Kids’ Character
We do it all the time. “Nice work! Great job! You’re so awesome!” It’s nice to take notice and give energy to the good things our kids do. But throwing kids compliments like this without any substance is akin to…
3 Hands-On Practical Tips to Teach Kids Character
Often times in the day-to-day messes of family life we need practical, specific ideas for how to communicate with our kids. Below are three of our most popular and practical tips — ideas that will provide a concrete tool in…
Is My Anxiety Holding My Child Back?
You have good desires for your kids. You probably want them to learn neatness, diligence in homework, good eating patterns, and all sorts of other helpful habits. But if you are anxious as you try to help them learn better…
Dealing With Rejection
Kids are rejected from every side. Sometimes the rejection or criticism comes from a teacher that just doesn’t “get” your kid. Sometimes it comes from an angry family member. Sometimes it’s rejection from peers, gossiping, or getting picked last in gym class.…
Your Child Is Not Your Report Card
As the school year begins, here are a few brief reminders about responsibility and report cards.