Dear Exhausted Mom, Here’s Why You Might Say “Yes” When Your Child Begs You to Play
As a parent, you probably know something about the relentless requests of children. For a host of reasons, often these requests get especially aimed at moms. Get around a group of women, and chances are you’ll find at least one…

Here’s How to Seize the Opportunity When Your Child Feels Distant
“My daughter is distant from me.” How often have parents repeated these words? Or maybe it’s your son that is emotionally distant these days. The truth is, all relationships hit low points at times. For some kids, distance is their…

11 Ideas to Help You Stop Yelling at Your Kids
Ideas from Scripture and Science to Develop a “Gentle Tongue”

The Powerful Difference Between Guilt and Shame
And how to help your kids to understand that difference

Should I Require Immediate Obedience from My Child?
A thoughtful and biblical look at this challenging question