Families With Teenagers, Keep Calm and Stay Connected
Families with teenagers have joys and challenges that are different from families with littles. Just when you think you’ve got this parenting thing down…things can change again. But why do the teenage years get such a bad rap? There are…
6 Practical Tips to Tame Your Temper
Disciplining misbehaving kids is often a difficult and emotion-laden task. Our oldest son, Daniel, sometimes said to Lynne, “Mom, you just bursted all over us!” And he was painfully correct. Jim had his share of quick, harsh reactions as well.…
50 Self-Regulation Activities To Empower Your Child To Calm
Self-regulation. Emotional regulation. There’s a difference. You might not be sure exactly what those buzzwords mean. But you do want to help your child get to a settled place when their big emotions seem to take over in hurtful ways.…
3 Unexpected Parenting Strategies to Help Your Highly Sensitive Child Thrive
Do you have an “over-the-top” challenging child? Maybe you’ve already heard the term “highly sensitive” given to your child, either by teachers, a pediatrician, friends, or “Dr. Google.” Parents often see me for coaching because they are looking for parenting…
3 Reasons Kids Misbehave & How You Can Respond With Grace and Love
If you’ve got a child who seems to be misbehaving more than usual, it’s time to pause and reflect on what might be driving your misbehaving child. When your child seems to be acting out all of a sudden, you…