Category Coach

My Child Won’t Get Off Screens | Ep. 2
SCREEN TIME!!! It’s a persistent battle in almost every home. And it is one of the questions we receive most frequently. What should you do when your child constantly asks you for screen time? And more screen time? We expand…
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But What About My Toddler?
At Connected Families we are often asked, “How does your framework apply to toddlers when they seem too young to understand but are certainly showing their strength of will?” We’ve compiled a list of our favorite posts relating to…

Chores: The Constant Challenge
You’ve tried every trick in the book to get your kids to do basic chores. And your kids try every trick in the book to resist. You never would have dreamed of sassing back to your parents about chores the…

Two Questions That Defuse Almost Any Conflict
After working with parents for over twenty years we have learned that there are two critical questions that help guide children toward wisdom. The problem is that parents are so focused on stopping the problem that they frequently miss the…

Got an Attention-Seeking Child in the Classroom? Try This Strategy
So your child is the child engaging in all the attention-seeking antics in the classroom? Or, at least, that’s what the teacher tells you… Hearing from the school that your child isn’t doing well or is causing problems for the…

“I’m the Parent. I Don’t HAVE to Say Please”
Have you heard ungrateful demands (like the ones below) from kids who seem to expect you to drop your life in order to take care of them? “Mom! Where’s dinner?” “Dad, I need a ride to the gym!” “Bring…

Learning to Enter as a Coach
Brendon and Naomi are parents to three kids; ages 6, 4, and 2. After completing the Sibling Conflict online course Brendon reported, “This course has had a profound impact on our parenting!” He told us the following story about one…

Bullying: Challenge or Opportunity?
Throughout the United States, October is national bullying prevention month, and many schools around the country will encourage their kids to wear orange in support of anti-bullying. Those are nice sentiments, but what does it actually look like if your…

“You have chubby little legs!”
We can joke about it now. Mostly. But, at the time, I saw it as one of my worst parenting moments and I worried I’d wrecked my daughter forever. There she was, a sweet fourth grader who I’d done my…

So You Killed The Cat….Now What?
“Do you think we should tell the kids what really happened? What they don’t know won’t hurt them, right?” We received this question when a parent accidentally ran over the sleeping, aging family cat. What would you say if they…