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Category Discipline

NW Connect even when struggling 1

Connecting With Your Kids…Especially When They Struggle | Ep. 24

You may have heard, “Move TOWARD the struggling child.” This phrase might seem counter-intuitive. Often, when our child is struggling, the last thing we want to do is connect with them.  When we show love unconditionally, especially when our kids…

share your story

Tell Your Story

For most of human history, values and faith have been passed along by the spoken word in the context of one’s closest relationships. Telling stories and integrating values into daily conversations was a primary way parents could pass on important…

19 DAD podcast Kids Watching 1

Your kids? They’re watching. ALL the time. | Ep. 20

In this podcast, Chad Hayenga and Jim Jackson will challenge you to think through what you’re modeling as you parent. They’ll equip you with natural, effective ways to “live your life out loud” in a manner that builds faith and…