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Category Discipline

Are You Present with Your Kids

Are You “Present” with Your Kids?

Most of us would agree there are many theories on the best way to educate our children.  There’s public schools, private schools, charter schools, home schools, co-ops, and any combination of these!  Regardless of which paradigm you have for the best…

My Worst Parenting Nightmare...

My Worst Parenting Nightmare…

It was every parent’s nightmare – over two hours at the allergist’s office with three young children. The kids and I all took turns alternately getting poked for blood draws, scratched all over our backs and arms for allergy testing,…

How to Help Your Kids Repent 1

How to Help Your Kids Repent

We received this story from “Shelly”, who was able to communicate love in misbehavior and saw it bear fruit with her 8 year-old-son… This morning my son Garrett was getting into his grumpy, yelling, the-world-is-against-me mode. I asked him, “It…

What to Do When Kids Push Your Buttons

What to Do When Kids Push Your Buttons

When kids act up, it’s a parent’s job to guide them through the difficulty. But kids’ trouble often pushes parents’ buttons. Need for control? Push. Desire for quick fixes? Push. Anxiety about what’s gonna happen with this demanding kid? Push.…