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Tag conflict

Bullying Opportunity 2

Bullying: Challenge or Opportunity?

Throughout the United States, October is national bullying prevention month, and many schools around the country will encourage their kids to wear orange in support of anti-bullying. Those are nice sentiments, but what does it actually look like if your…

casualties of criticism

Words that Hurt

In this Q & A, Jim and Lynne take 4 minutes to respond to a question from a mom and dad regarding their son’s hurtful words to his siblings. “Our son constantly criticizes and teases our daughters – and anyone…

How to Help Tattling Kids

How to Help Tattling Kids

“She called me a name!” “He hit me!” When one child “tells on” another, we call that “tattling.” It can be difficult to confront the kid who feels the need to expose all the other kids’ misbehaviors. Actually, tattling tends to…