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Tag obedience

NW Calm yourself ep 109

Calming Yourself Before Going Into Discipline | Ep.109

“Why are you so mad all the time?” Do you ever hear this from your child? You probably don’t intend to look mad. You may not even be aware of your furrowed brow or irritated expression. And it’s especially hard…

NW Dads demand respect

Should Dads Demand Respect? | Ep. 103

Should dads demand respect? Maybe this sounds familiar: “No, I don’t want to!” “This is dumb, you’re unfair!” “Who cares if my homework isn’t done?!”  Hey dads, have you experienced this kind of pushback from your kids? It can push…

NW Blog post images 7

How Can I Get My Child to Obey? | Ep. 78

Does God require your kids to obey immediately? Immediate obedience is probably a familiar concept to you. And, to be quite honest, it’s a hot-button topic! If you’ve ever asked yourself, “How do I get my child to obey?” then this…

NW Ep. 48 Nita Juan Global Impact

Why Demanding Respect From Kids Doesn’t Work | Ep. 48

Recently, we introduced you to Juan and Nita from South Africa. Today, we are excited to bring you a more in-depth interview where they share their heart for their two daughters as well as the 196 children who live in…

Spank or Not NW

To Spank or Not to Spank?

If you work with Christian parents, it’s tempting to stay far away from the spanking debate. There are the “never spank” parents, the “immediate obedience or get spanked” parents, and everything in-between. The question over whether to spank or not…