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Tag Sensory integration

ep 219 featured sensory sensitivities

From Quirky to Distressing: Understanding Sensory Sensitivities | Ep. 219

If you’ve got a child who complains about the volume of the microwave or who won’t venture into the living room without turning off the overhead lights, this conversation on sensory sensitivities is for you! Listen in as Stacy Bellward…

SM Lynne and Lydia Ep 164

3 Principles to Help Your Child Calm and Regulate | Ep. 164

In this episode on calming for kids, Lynne Jackson (Connected Families Co-Founder) and Lydia Rex (Connected Families Certified Parent Coach) talk with Stacy about what role parents play in helping their kids calm down. This conversation especially has sensitive or…

SM jarrett and luisa

Hope & Healing for Your Sensitive or Intense Child | Ep.163

Listen in as Stacy chats with parent coaches Jarrett & Luisa Wendt about the parenting course that has equipped them to understand and help their sensitive children. In today’s episode, Jarrett & Luisa Wendt (Connected Families Certified Parent Coach) talk…


Sensitive or Intense Child? Your Questions Answered! | Ep. 162

In today’s episode, parent coaches Lynne Jackson and Lydia Rex answer questions from parents about sensitive and intense kids. We’re excited to share another Q & A conversation with you today. The new questions came straight from parents in the…

NW Sensitive Instense Q and A Ep. 142

Sensitive and Intense Kids: Your Questions Answered | Ep. 142

Do you ever wish you had a parent coach in your living room to support you in your biggest parenting dilemmas? Well, we’ve got the next best thing. Lynne Jackson (Connected Families Co-Founder) has developed an all-new, research-based small group…

NW Diagnosis extra support Ep 122

How To Know If Your Child Needs a Diagnosis or Extra Support | Ep. 122

Have you ever wondered, “What’s going on with my child? Is this ‘normal’ behavior, or is there something more going on?”  If you’ve asked these questions, you may be wondering if it’s worth seeking a diagnosis for your struggling child. …

Hangry After School NW

Solve That After-School Crabbiness

The bus pulls up, and you brace yourself.  She comes flying off the bus, backpack bouncing and arms flailing.  You can already tell there is going to be an issue as soon as she walks in the door. Sure enough,…

NW daily sensory rhythm 112

Daily Sensory Rhythms To Bring Peace to Your Home | Ep 112

Your child is done with school (or preschool) for the day and instead of relaxing, you’re now navigating meltdown after meltdown.  Why do the strategies that worked with one child fall flat with another?  Do you find yourself wondering, “Will…