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Teach Your Child to Have a Growth Mindset with These Four Steps | Ep. 70

teach your child a growth mindset

Have you heard the buzz about having a “growth mindset”* versus a “fixed mindset”? How can you teach your child to have a growth mindset? When our kids lack the skills to do what we are asking them to do it can create discouragement in your home.

Maybe you’ve even asked yourself the following: 

  • “Why isn’t my kid motivated to clean their room?”
  • “How many times do I have to show my child how to load the dishwasher?”
  • “What does it take for my child to notice the towel on the bathroom floor?”

It would be great if our kids would just do things they are asked without any difficulties, right? Even better if they actually noticed what needed to be done. 

Unfortunately, it doesn’t typically happen that way, which leaves everyone feeling frustrated! Growing skills in your kids is important to you, but how do you do that and still communicate safety, love, and connection in your home?

In today’s episode, Stacy Bellward (podcast host) and Chad Hayenga (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Connected Families Coach) share a super practical tool you can use today to help your kids build skills with wisdom and connection. It’s called Motivate. Model. Practice. Praise. This is an intentional process built on the idea that lasting skills are both caught and patiently taught.

Modelind and teaching your child to have a growth mindset includes taking the time to learn the underlying emotions they experience while learning new skills. Building wisdom and connection affirms to your child, “You are called and capable of growing and learning new things.”

Listen in and you will discover :

  • How to practically use the four steps of Motivate. Model. Practice. Praise.
  • The power of wise questions to help motivate your child
  • The importance of looking within ourselves to understand and change our own responses to our kids
  • How to develop a team concept to get you and your child on the same page
  • A more effective way to praise your child 

Resources to help you grow skills in your kids:

Do you have a comment about something that’s helped you, a question, or something you would like addressed in a future podcast? Contact us, or get in touch with us about our parent coaching options. We’d love to hear from you!

*Growth mindset is a term originally coined by Child Psychologist Carol Dweck and popularized by numerous authors. Our use of the term is most closely informed by her work. 

Download our FREE in-depth ebook Helping Kids With Anger. It will provide thoughtful insights and creative ideas to help your struggling child.

A Connected Families Podcast
A Connected Families Podcast
Articles: 220