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Why Demanding Respect From Kids Doesn’t Work | Ep. 48

48 Cant Demand Respect

Recently, we introduced you to Juan and Nita from South Africa. Today, we are excited to bring you a more in-depth interview where they share their heart for their two daughters as well as the 196 children who live in LIV village.  They are learning that demanding respect from children often doesn’t work in the long run.

Married for almost 12 years, Juan and Nita are the parents of two children and cross-cultural missionaries in their native South Africa. Listen in as they tell of the exciting work God is doing through the Connected Families’ Discipline That Connect With Your Child’s Heart online course. They have seen transformation not only in their own family, but in the school where they work. 

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Nita cried out to God for help both in their home, and in the school where they work. God answered her prayer through a friend who introduced her to the Connected Families resources. After using these resources, Nita noticed significant positive changes in the way she parented and related to her children.

Juan works at LIV Village with orphaned and vulnerable children who have experienced trauma. He has seen remarkable changes in both himself and the kids through the principles learned in the Discipline That Connects online course.

In this episode you will:

  • Hear the story of God’s work through Connected Families in cross-cultural situations.
  • Discover the power of the Gospel in how God parents us. And also get ideas for how we can extend that same grace to our children.
  • Learn how the Connected Families Framework is lived out in practical, everyday life.

Mentioned in this episode:

Ready to dive in and learn more about the Framework?

Our 8-session online course, Discipline That Connects With Your Child’s Heart will guide you through each level of the Framework. If you’re looking for a grace-filled way to parent, this course is for you!

Parent with Confidence
Discipline with Love

Take the 8-session online course Discipline That Connects With Your Child’s Heart .


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