A Creative Solution to Your Child’s Messy Bedroom
Are you tired of navigating the Lego landmines and toy mazes in your child’s messy bedroom, but you’re unsure of what to do? How much to intervene? Whether or not to just let it be their turf? How to eliminate…

My Child Hates Himself. How Can I Help?
Kids who are explosive with yelling, aggression, or name-calling are frequently filled with shame after an emotional outburst. They may run off, cry, or say terrible things about themselves. It can feel so hopeless to do your best to lift…

You Lost Your Temper With Your Child: How to Make Things Better Again
You lost your temper with your child or teenager. We’ve all been there. We’ve all messed up as a parent. We’ve let our anger or frustration get the best of us. We yell when we want to be calm. We…

Got a Smart Teenager (or Child) With Bad Grades?
How to Inspire, Not Nag

Painfully Shy: A Promising Story of Facing One Child’s Social Anxiety
Parents usually love when their kids are outgoing and gregarious crowd-pleasers. But when kids seem to avoid social situations, parents tend to get a bit anxious themselves. You may even make a proclamation or feel the need to apologize for…