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Are Your Mornings Brutal

Are Your Mornings Brutal?

John was fed up. Like many parents, he came to me looking for a quick fix. No matter what consequences or logic John put in place, his 6th grade son Ben just wouldn’t take responsibility for getting himself up and…

Staying Connected With Your Teen

When kids become teens, they start acting like they don’t need us. If we don’t understand why they’re doing this, and figure out ways to respond gracefully, we risk building resentment in the relationship. It helps to understand that teens…

Connected Families Book Review

Connected Families provides resources for families to thrive.   We love partnering with others who share our vision.  Recently, Lynne Jackson wrote an endorsement of  the book, 52 Ways to Connect With Your Smartphone Obsessed Kid by Jonathan McKee.  She shares her…

Book Review

At Connected Families, we are always discussing, learning and reading about effective and wise parenting. Both Jim Jackson (co-founder of Connected Families and dad to 26 year old Bethany) and Grant Braasch (husband of our Executive Director and dad to 9 year old…

Announcing our new tagline!

Hey friends, We’re excited to introduce our new tagline to those of you who helped form it. With your fantastic suggestions regarding the value you find through Connected Families, we condensed and interpreted what you told us.  Here it is:…