Tag responsibility
3 Ways To Help When Your Child Refuses To Do Schoolwork
What can you do when your child refuses to do schoolwork? For a variety of reasons, kids sometimes (or often!) are unmotivated to do what needs to be done. You know the importance of schoolwork, so it can feel frustrating…
Consequences vs Punishment: What’s the Difference?
If you’ve been parenting any time at all, you likely have made a significant discovery: Despite your most graceful efforts to stay calm, connect well, and guide them with grace, your kids still misbehave. So what do you do in…
Your Child’s Grades Don’t Matter (To You)
A Creative Solution to Your Child’s Messy Bedroom
Are you tired of navigating the Lego landmines and toy mazes in your child’s messy bedroom, but you’re unsure of what to do? How much to intervene? Whether or not to just let it be their turf? How to eliminate…
Scared to launch your child into the “real world”?
If you’re the parent of an older teen or young adult, the thought of launching your child into the world can be frightening; particularly if they have shown very few signs that they will be able to handle “real life”…
Resilient Children: 15 Little Opportunities to Grow Overcomers at Home
Have you ever wondered, “What makes resilient children so resilient?” or, “Is it nature or nurture that creates resilient children?” Some kids seem to arrive in the world ready to take on anything. They’re optimistic, they see the good in…
How I Helped My Baby Sleep When Sleep Training Was Not Working
Did you find this blog because you Googled, “How do I get my baby to sleep through the night?”? Well then, my friend, soak in this moment of knowing…this is NOT your magic bullet to deep nourishing sleep. Here is what…
How to Say “No” to Kids Without the Power Struggles
Think about how it usually goes: Your child focuses on a goal (even if it is a really bad goal like “teaching little sister a lesson”), 😆 and then you come in with big energy, and a firm,“No!” We all…
Whose Life Is It Anyway?
Spoiled kids are in the news again – or rather parents who spoil kids. In 2012 we wrote about the problem of entitlement and offered some ways to solve it. We even created an online course to equip parents to…
“I Was Meeting HIS Disrespect with MY Disrespect”
November is adoption/foster care awareness month. We often have the privilege of coaching parents who have built their families through adoption. Even though adoption can add intensity and complexity, the challenges adoptive families face are ones we can all relate…