Can True Empathy Really Be Taught to Kids?
You want your kids to think about others’ feelings. That’s empathy. But can you teach empathy to kids or does it just come naturally? It’s not always automatic, is it? We all know the awful feeling when your child hurts…
Are Your Marriage Goals Actually Selfish?
Perhaps you’ve read books, been to seminars, listened to sermons or podcasts expounding on the benefits of marriage goals. Maybe you’ve even been inspired to set your own marriage goals. What even is a marriage goal? To just “not get…
Struggling at the Family Dinner Table? How to Come Together & Enjoy
Did you know the most important piece of furniture in your home might be the family dinner table? And the quality of construction doesn’t matter. It’s all about the quality of connection you and your children cultivate over the years…
How to Parent the Imperfect Child You Have
We all have dreams for our children. Dreams that begin long before a child takes their first breath. But what if the child you have isn’t the child you dreamed of? How do you parent the child you have? Parents wish…
How to Change Your Parenting Habits When Change is Hard
It is easy to get stuck in negative parenting habits. We all know it, and we all experience this to some degree. Are there some things about your parenting that drive you crazy, but are soooo hard to change? Maybe…