Category Podcast

Is Your Child the Obliging Rule Follower? Listen to This. | Ep. 104
Do you sometimes worry about your child who is a rule follower? Wait, what?! Don’t we want kids who follow the rules? Parents often express their concerns about their defiant child. But rule-following? That doesn’t seem like a bad thing!…
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Should Dads Demand Respect? | Ep. 103
Should dads demand respect? Maybe this sounds familiar: “No, I don’t want to!” “This is dumb, you’re unfair!” “Who cares if my homework isn’t done?!” Hey dads, have you experienced this kind of pushback from your kids? It can push…
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How to Be a More Playful Parent | Ep. 102
Sometimes parenting can feel like one big list of things you have to get done. It can be so hard to switch gears from the many demands of being a parent to having joyful and playful time with your kiddos!…
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Does Attachment Style Matter? | Ep. 101
Your relationship with your child might feel “off,” but you’re not sure why. Could it be that the way you were parented impacts the way you parent? Your attachment style affects all your most important relationships – from spouse to…
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Ending the Shame Cycle | Ep. 100
Are you hard on yourself as a parent? As a person? It’s so easy to get caught up in what feels like failure to us. We want so much to be good parents! Though it’s unintentional, we can project our…
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How Can I Identify Anxiety in My Child? | Ep. 99
Do you have a child who struggles with anxiety? It can be really hard to know how to help them! Anxiety can be a powerless feeling for both kids and adults. Kids especially do not have all the same tools…
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Can You Parent Well When You’re Anxious? | Ep. 98
You can feel the rising tension in your shoulders and the knots in your stomach again. So much going on around you, and inside you. There is no shortage of things to feel anxious about in our world right now!…
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Teaching Your Child to Navigate “Mean” Kids | Ep. 97
“He called me stupid!” “She said she doesn’t want to play with me!” It’s so hard when your child comes to you feeling hurt by someone else’s words. Words matter. And they hurt! You want to comfort your kids and…
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Doctrine of Grace in Parenting | Ep. 96
What does the Bible really say about parenting? Is there such a thing as a Doctrine of Grace in Parenting? As Christian parents, we depend on the Bible as a necessary guide to help us understand God’s direction in both…
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What Do Kids Really Need From Us? | Ep. 95
Sometimes parenting can seem hopeless. What do kids really need from us? Maybe your kids are struggling and you’re not sure how to get through to them. (This can feel especially hard with teens!) You feel frustrated and your relationship…
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