Category Podcast

NW Gospel in Parenting 107

The Gospel in Our Parenting, Part 1 | Ep. 107

What difference does the gospel make in our lives? In our parenting?  The message of God’s love communicates the unconditional truth that each of us has been made in the image of God. Our connection with Jesus brings hope and…

Compassion fatigue NW 105

Navigating Compassion Fatigue | Ep. 105

Not all families who have been formed through adoption have experienced what is discussed on this podcast. Regardless of how your family was formed, or the challenges you have in your home, there is a wide range of experiences when…

Overly compliant NW

Is Your Child the Obliging Rule Follower? Listen to This. | Ep. 104

Do you sometimes worry about your child who is a rule follower? Wait, what?! Don’t we want kids who follow the rules? Parents often express their concerns about their defiant child. But rule-following? That doesn’t seem like a bad thing!…

NW Dads demand respect

Should Dads Demand Respect? | Ep. 103

Should dads demand respect? Maybe this sounds familiar: “No, I don’t want to!” “This is dumb, you’re unfair!” “Who cares if my homework isn’t done?!”  Hey dads, have you experienced this kind of pushback from your kids? It can push…

NW Blog post images 19

Does Attachment Style Matter? | Ep. 101

Your relationship with your child might feel “off,” but you’re not sure why. Could it be that the way you were parented impacts the way you parent? Your attachment style affects all your most important relationships – from spouse to…