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Tag disobedience

NW Blog post images 32

Encouraging Kids Who “Just Don’t Care!” | Ep. 88

Does it feel like your child just doesn’t care? Maybe even saying the words, “I just don’t care!” Does your child seem unmotivated in school, defensive about doing chores, maybe even withdrawn and depressed? It is so hard to know…

Spank or Not NW

To Spank or Not to Spank?

If you work with Christian parents, it’s tempting to stay far away from the spanking debate. There are the “never spank” parents, the “immediate obedience or get spanked” parents, and everything in-between. The question over whether to spank or not…

We Say STOP They Say NO NW 1

We Say “Stop!” They say, “NO!”

 Working with parents for over twenty years, we consistently see the following scenarios play out with kids of all ages:  Parents say “Do this!” Kids refuse.  Parents say “Stop!” Kids do it anyway. Parents say, “Come!” Kids dash the other…

Covered Ears

“I can’t hear you!”

“I can’t hear you!! I can’t hear you!!” You thought his misbehavior was frustrating, but when your child covers his ears and yells “I can’t hear you!” it sends your blood pressure through the roof! We received this question from…