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Tag emotions

NW Explain emotions feelings Podcast Ep 54

How to Take Advantage of Sibling Rivalry to Explain Emotions and Feelings to a Child

Few things can be more frustrating as a parent than trying to mediate sibling rivalry. You want your kids to be friends but instead they are fighting, badgering, and teasing each other. It feels like you are getting nowhere!  You…

NW Power of Empathy Podcast Ep 53 1

The Power of Empathy: How to Teach Your Child to “Feel Another’s Feelings” | Ep. 53

“How do you think that makes your sister feel?” or “You can’t do that to him!” Sound familiar? As a parent you likely want your child to be known as kind, generous, sensitive, and empathetic. These expectations can cause stress…

Spank or Not NW

To Spank or Not to Spank?

If you work with Christian parents, it’s tempting to stay far away from the spanking debate. There are the “never spank” parents, the “immediate obedience or get spanked” parents, and everything in-between. The question over whether to spank or not…

A Better Way to Respond to Tantrums

A Better Way to Respond to Tantrums

Whether you call them tantrums, meltdowns, or “big feelings” – we all know that most kids (and therefore most parents) struggle at times when emotions overtake the ability to think and reason well. When it comes to dealing with kids’…

Big Do Over

The Big Do-Over

Here is another story from Joel and Amy Nelson, parents of two sons, who have previously shared their story here. Enjoy! Parenting may not come with a manual, but I sure have read a lot of the parenting books out…