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Teaching Kids to Be Responsible for Their Actions | Ep. 14

14 DTC podcast RESPONSIBLE 1 1Today, Stacy Bellward interviews Jim and Lynne Jackson as they dive deep into ways to correct kids’ misbehavior with the message, “You are RESPONSIBLE for your actions”.

Misbehavior is like the tip of the iceberg. If we make misbehavior our primary focus we miss guiding our children toward lasting change and growth. During this episode, all four parts of the Connected Families Framework are brought together. 

  • “You are SAFE with me.”  What’s going on with me?  Can I exchange my inner angst for God’s grace and truth so my child feels safe? 
  • “You are LOVED no matter what.” Express unconditional love, which often brings a child to repentance. 
  • “You are CALLED & CAPABLE.” Coach my child toward wiser choices and better use of their gifts; solve the problem together. 
  • You are RESPONSIBLE for your actions.” Hold a child accountable to make right what they’ve made wrong. 
1080 Podcast RESPONSIBLE 1 1

In this episode we talk through:

  • teaching your kids what it means to make right what they’ve made wrong.
  • the story of a young boy who hits his sibling and reconciles well.
  • how parents might respond when a teen misses the bus. 

 Want to learn more?

Frustrated by constant discipline challenges? Take 15 minutes to read our free ebook 4 Messages All Children Long to Hear: A Discipline That Connects Overview.

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