Let Creation Declare the Glory of God to Your Kids: Tips To Get Your Kids Outside More
You talk with your kids about God and faith issues. They hear Bible stories from you and Sunday School teachers. But there’s something that you can give to your kids beyond words to help them grow in awe of God,…

I Was a Critical Parent: 6 Steps I Took to Find a More Loving Way
“Mom, whenever I clean, you just notice what I missed or didn’t do good enough!” I still remember one of my kids saying that and how discouraging it was. It was a reckoning moment. I didn’t want to be a…

How To Cultivate Healthy Screen Habits With Your Kids
Does World War III break out over screen time in your home? You are not alone. Most parents struggle to find this elusive idea of healthy screen time. We know our kids are growing up in the 21st century and…

Do You Love Family Travel? (Or Not So Much?!)
If you love family travel time, we want to share some ideas that will both deepen your love of family travel AND your family’s faith and values. But maybe you don’t always love it so much… We get it. Sometimes…

Teaching Truthfulness: 4 Loving Actions To Help the Child Who Lies
How to respond wisely when your child is lying