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NW Child heartfelt prayers

How Can I Teach My Child to Pray Heartfelt Prayers? | Ep. 60

Do you struggle to teach your child how to pray? How do you instill something deeper when your child just wants to pray for a new xbox?  Like many parents, you likely desire to see your kids engage in a…

NW Ep. 56 How to Raise Overcomers

Raising Overcomers: How to Model Resiliency to Your Kids | Ep. 56

In this raw and candid episode, Stacy Bellward (podcast host) is joined by Jim and Lynne Jackson (co-founders of Connected Families) to discuss both the challenges and the beauty of raising overcomers. When you are in Christ you are an…

NW True Empathy in kids 1

Can True Empathy Really Be Taught to Kids?

You want your kids to think about others’ feelings. That’s empathy. But can you teach empathy to kids or does it just come naturally? It’s not always automatic, is it? We all know the awful feeling when your child hurts…

NW Power of Empathy Podcast Ep 53 1

The Power of Empathy: How to Teach Your Child to “Feel Another’s Feelings” | Ep. 53

“How do you think that makes your sister feel?” or “You can’t do that to him!” Sound familiar? As a parent you likely want your child to be known as kind, generous, sensitive, and empathetic. These expectations can cause stress…

NW Ep 50 Listener Questions

Got a Strong-Willed Child? So Did This Mom. | Ep. 51

Your strong-willed child is refusing to choose. You are offering two choices, just like you’ve learned. “Give your child some choices,” they said. “It will help them feel some control,” they said. But your child just stamps their foot and…