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Category Discipline

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Why Changing Your Parenting Is So Hard | Ep. 80

Why is changing your parenting just so hard? You’ve tried everything to get a better result in your parenting: You’ve read the books, watched the seminars, tried new methods. You know that you want a different approach to your parenting,…

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Is Mom Guilt Good? | Ep. 79

Mom guilt is real and it feels so heavy. Moms, do you ever find your thoughts spiraling through these statements? “I’m such a mess!” “I can’t get it together and my kids don’t like me!” “I’m a bad mom” Stress,…

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How Can I Get My Child to Obey? | Ep. 78

Does God require your kids to obey immediately? Immediate obedience is probably a familiar concept to you. And, to be quite honest, it’s a hot-button topic! If you’ve ever asked yourself, “How do I get my child to obey?” then this…

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The Key to Unlocking Wisdom and Responsibility in Kids | Ep. 77

Your child is misbehaving and you just want it to, “Stop!” You want to bring some control to the situation. Emotions escalate. The key to unlocking a Christ-like identity, wisdom, and responsibility in your kids is not a method or a…

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How to Be Safe for Your Kids | Ep. 76

It’s normal to feel stuck in the frustration of trying to “fix” your child’s behavior. Despite exploring numerous parenting resources and methods, does your heart still feel unsettled? Like you, many other parents feel the same way. Patterns of control,…

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Why It’s Better to Parent in Community | Ep. 75

Ever feel alone or isolated as a parent? Between navigating your kids’ misbehavior in public, enduring other judgmental parents, and the demands of daily life, staying isolated can often feel easier than attempting social connection and events. Yet parenting without…