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Category Discipline

NW Blog post images 17

Why It’s Better to Parent in Community | Ep. 75

Ever feel alone or isolated as a parent? Between navigating your kids’ misbehavior in public, enduring other judgmental parents, and the demands of daily life, staying isolated can often feel easier than attempting social connection and events. Yet parenting without…

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How to Raise a Responsible Student (Who Has a Social Life) | Ep. 74

If you’re like most parents, you want your child to be a responsible student. But you also want them to use their time wisely to they can have an active social life. (Aaaannnnd, it would be great if they were…

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Classroom Anxiety: It’s Common, and You Can Help | Ep. 73

Is your child struggling with anxiety about going back to school? How do you navigate the uncertainties of a new school year? If you and your child are feeling stressed about all the changes and upheaval surrounding school, you are…

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Are We Hardwired to Connect? Part 1-Ep.71

Are you longing for practical parenting resources that address both the spiritual and the scientific? Why are they both important? God created our souls, brains, and bodies, and He wants us to understand His creation. Research affirms the biblical truth…